Tag Archives: vegetables


The Cultivating Cooking Queens #3…

Well, kind of…
As the season progressed and all of our schedules got a little more hectic, it became pretty challenging to find a time where everyone’s schedules aligned. So, sadly, our group did not meet nearly as often as we would have liked. However, we were always sharing the wonderful meals we were creating on our own via our GroupMe chat.
Our last ‘group’ meeting only included one other member, Shea, but we were graced with a special guest for the night, Tiff. It was very fun to hang out and chat as we prepared this delicious meal together. Our menu on this night included: steak rolls w/balsamic glaze, roasted sweet potatoes, and Brazilian cheese rolls.

This is long overdue, but be sure to check out the video here on YouTube.

Steak Rolls (adapted from Noreen Hiskey @PictureTheRecipe.com)


+ 1.5 – 2 lb skirt steak/flank steak/thinly sliced steak of choice (sirloin)
+ salt and pepper, to taste
+ 3 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
+ steak seasoning of choice (try to find salt free)
+ 1 tbsp olive oil

veggie filling:

+ 1 carrot
+ 1 red bell pepper
+ 1 zucchini squash
+ 1 yellow squash
+ 5-6 green onions
+ 2 cloves of garlic
+ 1 tsp Italian herb seasoning

balsamic glaze sauce (may want to double this, it is that good!!):

+ 2 tbsp butter
+ 2 tbsp finely chopped shallots
+ 1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
+ 1-2 tbsp maple syrup
+ 1/4 cup beef broth


+ cut the steak into 2-3 inch wide strips
+ season the steak with salt (if using), pepper and Worcestershire sauce. Let them sit and marinade for about 30 minutes
+ prepare the filling – chop up the veggies into matchsticks that are longer than the width of the steak. Peel and mince the garlic.
+ prepare the sauce – melt the butter in a small saucepan over medium heat. Add the finely chopped shallot and saute for a minute or so, until they turn soft and translucent. Add the balsamic vinegar, syrup (if using) and beef stock and stir to mix well. Allow the sauce to come to a boil and reduce to almost half. You want it to thicken to an almost syrup-like consistency.
+ in another pan, add a little olive oil and briefly saute the garlic. Turn the heat up to high and add in all the veggies, except the green onions. Saute until just cooked through but still crispy. Season with the Italian herbs and transfer to a bowl.
+ assemble – take a strip of the marinated steak and lay it flat. Fill with a small handful of veggies (don’t forget to add the green onion). Roll the beef and secure with a toothpick. Repeat with all the pieces of steak.
+ heat a large skillet or grillpan over medium-high heat. Add a little oil to coat the pan. When hot, add the beef seam side down and pan fry for several minutes. Then turn, roll and cook on all sides. Cook until it reaches your desired doneness
+ remove the toothpick and serve with the balsamic glaze sauce


Brazilian Cheese Rolls


+ 1 cup almond milk (or milk of choice)
+ 1/4 cup (1/2 stick) butter, cut into pieces
+ 1/4 cup olive oil
+ 2 cups plus 2 tbsp tapioca flour
+ 2 eggs
+ 1 cup grated Parmesan cheese, or other firm cheese


+ preheat oven to 350 degrees F
+ combine milk, butter and oil in a large saucepan. Bring it to a boil over medium heat, stirring to melt the butter. When it reaches a boil, remove from the heat.
+ stir in the tapioca flour. The mixture should be thick, sticky and stretchy.
+ stir in the eggs, one at a time, and the cheese. Allow the mixture to cool in the pan until it is cool enough to handle.
+ take heaping tablespoons of dough with tapioca-floured hands and roll into 1.5 inch balls. Place 1 inch apart on a baking sheet.
+ bake 20-25 minutes or until puffed and golden. Serve warm.




I‘m sure as a child, there are many of you who upon hearing the word meatloaf cringed at the thought of having to eat it?  Well, I was one of those kids who loved meatloaf, and still do.  This recipe is one that I’ve adapted a bit from Miranda Lambert’s recipe that I found on Pinterest a while back.
This is a meal that you can’t be afraid to dig your hands into and get a little dirty as you prepare it.  If that’s not for you, then you probably want to stop right there, but just know that you are really missing out.  The nice thing about this is that it is very easy and quick to prepare.
Just so you know, this will look like enough food to feed an army; however, it is such a big hit that everyone will be going back for seconds, and before you know it, most of it will be gone.  If you are fortunate enough to have any leftovers, this is one of those foods that gets better as it sits in the fridge, and is even more delicious the next day. I’ve eaten it hot, cold, in sandwiches, and it never let’s me down.  This is one of those recipes that everyone will keep asking you to make again and again…


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Meatloaf Recipe
**note: I pretty much never measure any of this, but just eyeball it all as I throw it in**

1 lb lean ground beef
1 lb ground turkey
1 lb ground sausage (you can play around with different flavors for a little variety in the overall taste, just remember to read the label and see what else is added in before you buy)
1 pack Glutino crackers (plain or multigrain work)
2 eggs
a few dashes of Worcestershire
1 tsp – 1 tbsp prepared mustard (can use different kinds to play with the flavor a little more)
dash of maple syrup
1/2- 1 whole finely chopped bell pepper
1/2 medium onion, finely chopped
1/4 cup ketchup
mushrooms, chopped
Large handful spinach, chopped

1 cup ketchup
maple syrup

Mix all of the ingredients together really well in a large bowl (don’t be afraid to dig in with your hands!).  Put in a large casserole and shape into a flatter but slightly rounded loaf.  Leave just a small amount of space around edges for uniform cooking. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour.
Prepare the topping while the loaf is baking.  Blend together 1 cup of ketchup with a dash of maple syrup.
After the loaf is done baking, pour the grease out.  Spread the topping generously on the meat.  Place the pan back in the oven and bake for 15 minutes.  If you want, you can broil it for the last 4-5 minutes to get the top nice and golden. Allow it to cool for 5-10 minutes before cutting to serve.

Enjoy!!!  As always, eat well and be merry…Mmmmm


Thanksgiving Leftovers…

Thanskgiving is a feast of all feasts at my house.  This year, we had a 22 lb. turkey and many other dishes to feed the crew.  Needless to say, there were quite a few leftovers to feast on over the next few days.  I’m going to share with you two of my favorite meals to eat over those next days.  These are both very big hits with the crowd, and they are both super easy to prepare.  Here are the leftovers you will need for these: Turkey, Cranberry Relish, Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Gravy, Veggies.

Open Faced Turkey Salad Sandwich topped with Brie and Cranberry Relish
2 cups Turkey, shredded or roughly chopped
1 cup Greek Yogurt
1 heaping Tbsp Dijon Mustard
1/2 Lemon Juiced
2 Tbsp Fresh Parsley
Cranberry Relish
*You can add diced apple, but my relish has that, so I do not*

1.  Mix first 5 ingredients together in a bowl.
2.  Lightly toast 1-2 slices of bread
3.  Top each slice of toast with a scoop or two of the turkey mixture.  Be sure to spread it around and cover as much of the bread as possible.
4.  Top each slice of toast with some slices of Brie
5.  Put under the broiler for a few minutes to melt the cheese.  Keep a close eye on this, as it does not take long to melt everywhere and/or burn.
6.  Top with a scoop of the cranberry relish.
7.  Enjoy

Turkey Shepherd’s Pie
Turkey, shredded or cubed
Onion, chopped
Green Beans
Mashed Potatoes
Mashed Sweet potatoes

1.  Mix everything but the mashed potatoes/sweet potatoes together in a bowl.  Be sure to use enough gravy that everything is coated well and will not be dry once cooked.
2.  Pour into 2 square dishes, coated in cooking spray.
3.  Top one dish with a layer of the mashed potatoes.  Top the other with a layer of mashed sweet potatoes.
4.  Bake at 350 degrees until everything is heated through and bubbly.  If you want to broil them for the last few minutes to brown the tops you can.
5.  Serve and enjoy.

I don’t really measure any of this.  You just have to eyeball it all to get the ratios you want.  Sorry, there are no pictures to share either.  Once they are made, they are gone before you can even grab the camera.  Try these out when you get  a chance and let me know what you think.  As always, eat well and be merry!


A Healthy, Gluten Free Thanksgiving…

I host my family for Thanksgiving at my cabin.  We have been doing this for several years now, and  I love it for many reasons:
1.  I get to spend some quality time at my cabin, where it is so quiet and peaceful and a nice way to get away from the busy pace of life I am used to.
2.  All of my family is there.
3.  I make the menu and prepare the food.
All of these are wonderful things to be thankful for, but I think my favorite is the fact that I can prepare such a healthy menu for my family, and everybody enjoys it just as much as a traditional menu.  I love knowing that my family is getting a great meal, one that is healthy and represents what I stand for.  Mind you, there is a lot of hard work that goes in to me preparing this feast, as I make everything homemade, but in the end, it is so worth it.
Typically, I will chop and prepare as much as possible the night before (with the help of my sister), that way on Thanksgiving morning, it cuts back on time, and is mostly just putting everything together and cooking it.
The menu pretty much stays the same every year, with some minimal changes.  This year’s menu was:

Curried Butternut Squash Soup
Shaved Brussels Sprouts w/Manchego and Almonds
Fresh Cranberry Relish
Apple Shallot Roasted Turkey
Cider Gravy
Mashed Potatoes w/Parsnips & Chives
Wild Rice, Italian Sausage and Shiitake Stuffing
Coconut Cardamom Sweet Potatoes
Green Beans
Pumpkin Bread

Check back soon and I will tell you my favorite thing to do with my leftovers.  You will not want to miss these, as they may even be more delicious than the actual Thanksgiving meal.

Check out the Thanksgiving menu photos below.

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Fresh Veggies, Yes Please….

Who doesn’t love nice, crisp, fresh veggies?  How about a quick and easy meal?  Well, if these describe you, then I am going to suggest you make a nice stir fry for dinner. Not only is it quick and easy, but it is very fresh and delicious.  This is one of those meals where you can use whatever veggies you love.  I make this meal all the time because I truly love how easy it is, but I also really love all the fresh veggies I get to eat.  In this version, I used: broccoli, red pepper, onion, carrot, green beans, brussels sprouts and sugar snap peas.Saute all of the veggies in a wok with a little coconut oil and sesame oil.  Cook until just heated through but still very crisp, remove from pan. Add in sliced meat/protein of choice and start to cook.  Stir often, and after just a few minutes, add in the stir fry sauce.  In my stir fry sauce, I typically mix up the following in my NutriBullet, all to taste:  coconut aminos, chicken broth, corn starch, honey, sesame oil, rice vinegar, ginger, garlic.  Let the meat gently simmer in the sauce for a few minutes, as this will help it to thicken, then add all of the veggies back to the pan.  Adjust the sauce and cook until meat and veggies are cooked to your desire doneness.  I prefer my veggies to be very crisp, so I do not cook much longer.Plate, and top off with some sliced green onions.  Enjoy!!



Everyone Should Spiralize…

Several weeks ago, while visiting with my sister, I noticed she had a spiralizer in her drawer.  I’ve been hearing all the craze about this new gadget, and have always been wanting to try it out.  I mean why not?  Using different veggies instead of pasta, it fits right into my eating style.  And on top of that the options and ways to prep seemed endless in my mind.   Thus, I was inspired to go on one of my favorite sites, Amazon, where I did a bunch of research before finally deciding on one to buy.  After sorting through many different options, I narrowed it down and purchased this one from DEMKO.  I have already used it many times, and have not been disappointed one bit.  For instance, I threw together a delicious lunch in under 5 minutes:  I spiralized a small sweet potato, heated up some leftover Greek Marinated Chicken and diced it up, tossed on some leftover homemade slaw and topped it with some peanut sauce and cilantro (pictured).  It was the simplest of meals, but very tasty. Even if you do not consider yourself a good cook, I think this may be the way to prepare meals for you.  I don’t even normally cook my veggies, because I prefer them nice and crisp, but you could get a little more fancy and saute them up in a pan with a little garlic and oil and spices.  Honestly, I think this is a great idea for someone looking to be a little creative with meals, because you can almost throw anything together and make a meal of it. Another delicious spiralized meal I’ve made with the Cultivating Cooking Queens is Mediterranean Zucchini Noodles.  The spiralizer is so quick and easy to use and clean, you may want to consider getting one.  I cannot wait to experiment with other veggies. Go out and see what you think, and as always, eat well and be merry!